Brothers' Lectures
Fridays - After Maghrib
To learn the Important Principles Concerning Allah, The Exalted, Names And Attributes
Fridays - After Maghrib (6:30)
There are principles and guidelines for interpreting the Qur’an, which must be properly understood by the one who engages in tafseer of the Word of Allah The Exalted.
Fridays - After Isha (Isha @ 8:00)
The Quran was revealed for three reasons: To worship Allah by reciting it, to understand its meanings and to act according to it.
Saturdays - After Maghrib (5:15)
Etiquettes of the Seeker of Knowledge
Saturdays - After Maghrib (6:00)
Bulugh al-Maram
Attainment of the Objective According to Evidences of the Ordinances
Saturdays - After Isha (Isha @ 8:00)
“Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day and remembers Allah much.” [Al-Ahzab: 21]
Sundays - After Isha (Isha @ 8:00)
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: "Pray as you have seen me praying." [Reported by al-Bukhari].
Mondays - Before Isha (7:30)
Creed & Fiqh
Going over a summary of the muslim creed and rules of the pillars of Islam that every Muslim needs to know.
Wednesdays - After Isha (Isha @ 8:00)
A Fiqh book that explains jurisprudence matters whose evidence is correct and its path is clear, leaving what was purely of opinion. The author followed an easy method for all students of knowledge.